Strategic PR Campaigns

10 Social Proof Email Examples And Best Practices [Video]

Imagine this: You’re shopping online and can’t decide between two products. One has positive reviews and customer photos, while the other is a ghost town. Which one are you more likely to buy? Exactly. Social proof taps into our natural tendency to follow the crowd, and when used correctly, it can pivot your email conversions.

In this article, we’ll explain how to build trust with your audience through customer testimonials, reviews, and other similar email campaign elements. Plus, we’ll share top social proof email examples and best practices to streamline your social proof strategy, from feedback collection to social community building.

But first, let’s explain why enriching your email campaign with social proof is a great idea.

According to psychologist Robert Cialdini, social proof is a psychological phenomenon that interferes with influence and persuasion.

As social creatures, people tend to instinctively copy the actions of others. This impact is stronger when we feel uncertain about a decision, …

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