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The struggle of being a workplace ‘zillennial,’ not knowing where you fit in [Video]

Content Creation

There’s been plenty of discussion of how millennials and Gen Zers cope in the professional world.

But zillennials, the group on the cusp of these two generations, have a uniquely tough time working out where they fit in.

Samantha Hart, a content creator who makes videos about her life and career, recently told her followers that while the work ethic of millennials and Gen Zers is always debated, “nobody talks about how hard it is to be a cusper.”

It hit a nerve, amassing over 800,000 views and thousands of comments from fellow zillennials, a loose grouping covering those born in the nineties.

One described being in this age group as “perfectionism meets procrastination.”

“It’s hell,” they said. Another said: “I’m so tired.”

Hart said millennials came of age in the “Girlboss” era when working hard and being great at your job was the ultimate goal.

Many Gen Zers, in comparison, prioritize work-life balance and keeping a …

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