In the heartwarming TV advert, two old friends embark on a journey, showcasing the delicious flavours of the festive Taste the Difference and Sainsbury’s ranges
In a TV first, real-life Sainsbury’s colleague ‘Sophie’ is featured alongside lovable character the Big Friendly Giant (the BFG)
The 60” is set to premier on TV at 20.15, during Coronation Street, on Friday 1st November the full advert can be viewed here and is live from 8am on Sainsbury’s social channels & website
The launch of the ad marks the second year of Sainsbury’s commitment to provide ‘Good food for all of us’ – offering access to innovative and affordable, great-tasting food for every customer
The magic of Christmas has begun as Sainsbury’s debuts its exciting new advert today. Inspired by Roald Dahl’s timeless and cherished story, the new Christmas advert features the beloved BFG alongside Sainsbury’s colleagues as they take viewers on a whimsical culinary adventure.
The ad opens with a captivating scene …