Bollywood actor Kiara Advani is an avid social media user and is known for her sartorial choices. The actor often takes to Instagram and shares pictures and videos with her actor husband Siddharth Malhotra. She often shares pictures from her weekend getaways, images from her photoshoots and more.
On Monday (November 18), Kiara took to her Instagram stories and posted a mirror selfie from the washroom. She held a golden toothbrush in her hand. Along with the post, Kiara wrote, “Tell me you’re a Sindhi without telling me you’re a Sindhi.” Kiara was dressed in an oversized white T-shirt.
The reason she shared was Sindhis are known for their love for all things flashy and Kiara’s shiny, golden toothbrush got the internet talking.
Netizens slammed her for showing off her lifestyle.
A user said, “Born with a silver spoon has become born with a golden toothbrush.”
Another mentioned, “Isn’t that golden toothbrush from The Atlantis Dubai? It’s not …