As the calendar turned to 2025, former cricket stars and current Team India head coach Gautam Gambhir joined the global celebrations, sharing their New Year wishes with fans across the world. India welcomed the year 2025 with celebrations across the country, as people in various cities marked the occasion with joy and enthusiasm. New Year celebrations began in many cities with parties, cultural events, live music performances, and themed decorations.
Joining the wishes along with Gambhir, former cricketers Yuvraj Singh, Irfan Pathan and Ravi Shastri too joined in sharing the wishes.
Taking to X, Yuvraj Singh said that it’s a new year with new goals and same unstoppable spirit.
“New year, new goals, same unstoppable spirit all my love and wishes for everyone to have the most amazing 2025,” Yuvraj Singh wrote on X.
New year, new goals, same unstoppable spirit 👊🏻🙌🏻 all my love and wishes for everyone to …