Jeff Baena, beloved indie film director and husband to actress Aubrey Plaza, has tragically passed away at the age of 47. Baena was found unresponsive in his Los Angeles home on Friday morning. His body was first discovered by an assistant. As per TMZ, his death has been confirmed as a suicide by the Los Angeles Medical Examiner’s Office.
Known for his unique storytelling in films like Joshy, Life After Beth, and The Little Hours, Baena was known for blending quirky humor with raw humanity, earning him a devoted following in the film community.
Jeff Baena Was In A Relationship With Aubrey Plaza Since 2010
Since 2010, Baena has been in a relationship with actress Aubrey Plaza, with whom he shared a life and a series of artistic collaborations. The couple worked together on multiple films, with Plaza starring in several of Baena’s projects. …