Zendaya and Tom Holland, affectionately known as “Tomdaya,” have been the topic of discussion since Zendaya’s slight engagement reveal at the 2025 Golden Globes. Rumors have reignited interest in the couple’s signature approach to love. Read more about “The Tomdaya Effect” and why soft launching your relationship could be the best move.
But what exactly is a soft launch, and why has it become a modern relationship goal?
Soft launching involves sharing subtle hints about your relationship without explicitly announcing it. Think understated Instagram posts—two coffee cups, a cropped hand-holding photo, or attending events together without labels. It’s a quiet nod to intimacy while maintaining privacy, a balance Zendaya and Holland have mastered.
In an exclusive interview with Purely Diamonds, global relationship expert Mairead Molloy explained the benefits of this lowkey approach.
“Zendaya and Tom have managed to protect their relationship and now their rumored engagement by keeping it under wraps,” says Molloy. …