Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended warm wishes to the nation on Saturday on the first anniversary of the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of the temple in Ayodhya and remarked that the “Ram Mandir is a great heritage of India’s culture and spirituality, built through centuries of penance and struggle.”
Taking to social media platform X, PM Modi wrote in a post, “Heartfelt greetings to all countrymen on the first anniversary of Ram Lalla’s Pran Pratishtha in Ayodhya. This temple, built through centuries of sacrifice, penance, and struggle, is a great heritage of our culture and spirituality. I firmly believe that this divine and magnificent Ram Mandir will serve as a major inspiration for the realisation of a developed India.”
The Prime Minister also shared a video on X featuring visuals from the Pran Pratishtha ceremony held in 2024, along with a powerful message underscoring the significance of the temple.
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