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A Christian radio station made a stop in Savannah to help families this holiday season | Community [Video]

88.5 holds food drive in Savannah, MO

(ST. JOSEPH, Mo.) The race to 10,000 pounds of food for the holiday season is almost over.

The Christian radio station life 88.5 made a stop in Savannah on their ‘Make it Terrific Tuesday Journey’.

Life’s Community Engagement director, T. J. Jackson says, “It is a terrific Tuesday. And, we mean that literally, it’s a terrific Tuesday, because look at all of this food that’s being collected to help the Andrew county food pantry.”

This is the station’s second year holding this event. The goal is 10,000 pounds of non-perishable food items in nine weeks.

Jackson goes on to explain, “We know that one in seven families in our listening area, they’re food insecure, and so the food pantries are working overtime to help keep food on people’s tables. And, so we wanted to come alongside and say, hey, we can do this together. You don’t have to do this …

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