Aborsyonista is a striking short film crafted by the talented students of the University of Rizal Binangonan Campus. Tackling the sensitive and often controversial subject of abortion, the film provides a lens into the life of an abortionist and the challenging decisions faced by individuals involved. This student production is not just a narrative but a poignant exploration of moral dilemmas and life-altering choices, aiming to give a voice to an issue often shrouded in silence. The film’s storytelling is both powerful and raw, capturing the emotions and struggles of its characters in an authentic and thought-provoking manner. The creators have succeeded in portraying the complexities of abortion—its ethical implications, societal judgments, and the personal toll it takes on all parties involved. By presenting these narratives with empathy and sensitivity, Aborsyonista encourages viewers to consider perspectives beyond their own and to engage in meaningful conversations about this challenging topic.Watching Aborsyonista …