Ever since its release, Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina starrer Jigra has been a topic of discussion. Jigra has been facing immense trolling and backlash from netizens. It all started when T-Series’ head honcho Bhushan Kumar’s wife Divya Khosla Kumar accused Karan Johar and its makers of coping her film Savi, which was released earlier this month.
Divya took to her social media stories and shared that Alia and Karan’s film Jigra have faked box-office numbers. She shared a screenshot from an empty cinema hall, wherein she went and watched Jigra, claiming that the cinema hall was empty. Recently, Vasan Bala himself was responsible for the film’s failure. Explaining his point, he noted that there was something that didn’t attract audiences to the theatres to watch their film.
Days after facing trolling for defending Jigra’s box office number, Bala deactivated his X account.
Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif starrer Ajab …