Amid ongoing chatter about her divorce with actor Abhishek Bachchan, actress Aishwarya Rai’s name at an event was displayed without the “Bachchan” on a screen at a glitzy event in Dubai.
The global icon, Aishwarya, was attending the Global Women’s Forum in Dubai. Videos of her videos from the event made it to social media, where she was seen encouraging women, spotlighting the importance of innovation, and determination.. The videos were shared by the Dubai Women Establishment’s official Instagram, where the Bollywood diva addressed a gathering.
However, what caught the eyes of the social media users was that Aishwarya’s surname was dropped from the Dubai event. In a viral videos, the actress’s name was showed as “Aishwarya Rai—International star.”
In another video shared by the Dubai Women Establishment’s Instagram account, Aishwarya, who donned a stunning bright blue ensemble with silver drizzle, was mentioned as “Aishwarya Rai—International star.”
The rumour about …