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Attention Metrics Help Advertisers Pick Better Media: Havas Waite Beet.TV [Video]

LONDON – In the last few years, “attention” has moved from a fringe idea in advertising to play a leading role.

Now attention metrics are fuelling real planning decisions — without coalescing into a single standard.

Still, in this video interview with Beet.TV, Jon Waite, Global Managing Director, Havas Media Group, says that may not be necessary.

There is still a debate going on today about how to measure people’s attention, with some companies measuring eye tracking and others looking at the makeup of the ad itself, such as size, placement, scroll speed, and click rate.

“There’s still a difference of opinion of methodologies,” Waite said.

But whichever, I think what’s kind of happened over the last few years is agency groups and clients have selected their preferred partners, have decided on what they’re comfortable with as a definition and started to really integrate that into our planning processes, into our tools that we’re developing.

Attention metrics are now being used to drive planning decisions …

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