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Candace Owens Banned By New Zealand Amid Antisemitism Claim [Video]

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This is effectively the message that yet one more country has delivered to the hateful conservative pundit Candace Owens, whose amplified antisemitism is being increasingly not tolerated on a global level.

MORE: Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money

On Thursday, New Zealand announced that it was banning Owens, 35, from admittance in the South Pacific nation, in advance of a speaking engagement there.

“News of the ruling came weeks after neighboring Australia also rejected her visa request, citing remarks in which she denied Nazi medical experimentation on Jews in concentration camps during World War II,” the Associated Press reported.

More from the Associated Press:

Owens had promised Australian and New Zealand audiences a discussion of free speech and her Christian faith when she announced the speaking tour in August.

But Australian officials banned her from the country in October, with Immigration Minister Tony Burke telling reporters …

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