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Catfisher Natalia Burgess explains her actions in final episode of true crime podcast Chasing Ghosts: The Puppeteer [Video]

Natalia Burgess, potentially New Zealand’s worst catfisher, has given her first interview with a media organisation in 13 years, after revelations that she continued catfishing men after leaving jail in 2015. 

Burgess was originally exposed as the “Facebook Predator” by NZ Herald investigative journalist David Fisher in 2011 after she was linked to several false characters she had created from photos stolen from social media accounts. She had used those characters to trick dozens of young men and teenage boys into online relationships. 

After her actions were exposed, Burgess went to jail in 2013 for two years for charges related to her catfishing. 

When she got out in 2015, rather than stopping her actions, Burgess resumed her catfishing, stealing photos from the likes of Gold Coast-based New Zealander Crystal Jenner. 

Fisher has reinvestigated the case in the Herald true crime podcast Chasing Ghosts: The Puppeteer and, as part of the …

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