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COMMUNITY CLASSROOM: Teacher needs donations to purchase art therapy kits [Video]

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – As a teacher at New Hanover High School, Latoshya Raynor sees first hand the mental health challenges many kids in high school live with daily. She believes there was a shift in mental wellness during the pandemic. The visual arts teacher is hoping to purchase art therapy kits to help her students maintain a healthy mind. She’s asking for donations through DonorsChoose, an online charity that helps teachers get donations for school projects.

“My Pathway Project is to pilot Art Therapy Kits at my school in hopes of increasing student engagement, enhancing student mental health, minimizing absences, and decreasing behavioral incidences,” Raynor said on her DonorsChoose page. “The purpose of Art Therapy Kits is to provide students with a creative outlet to express emotions and feelings.”

Ms. Raynor needs $209. Once she is fully funded, DonorsChoose will purchase the kits and deliver them to the school.

If you would like to make a donation, click here.

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