The National Agricultural and Food Centre (NPPC) Slovakia, in partnership with the National Center for Biodivertsity and Gene Conservation (NBGK), has won a grant to implement a project entitled “Supporting cross-border biodiversity conservation” within the Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia program.
The total budget of the project is EUR 998,683, of which the Hungarian side will receive community funding of EUR 360,910 between May 1, 2024, and October 31, 2026, they noted.
The communication explains that the native livestock species established in the Danube region are similar in nature due to the same environmental factors. Both countries are struggling to cope with the loss of indigenous breeds from production and a drastic reduction in their numbers as intensive farming systems are coming to the fore.
Without conscious gene conservation programs, these breeds could disappear permanently, and it is therefore a priority for both countries to conserve and integrate the genetic material of these …