The standalone sequel to Searching is here, and like its predecessor, Missing weighs in on some hefty topics using social media and technology. Starring Nia Long and Storm Reid as mother-daughter duo Grace and June Allen, Missing follows the twists and turns of Grace’s mysterious disappearance as June pieces it all together at home using her laptop and some social media hacking. But while the film will lure you in as a suspenseful thriller with astounding editing and novel visual storytelling, its real appeal stands on the thematic undertones grounding its whirlwind plot.
At a first glance, Missing may seem to be a crime story about the internet’s many rabbit holes that undermine our privacy. But the film is actually more concerned with the public’s obsession with finding the perfect victim and villain for a news story. It’s a fixation that’s created and nourished by a seemingly endless wave of true-crime content that sensationalizes real-life tragedies, frequently at the expense …