The super-talented Divyenndu ‘Mirzapur’ Sharma said he is very satisfied with his journey so far. “I would say that I am satisfied to an extent that now filmmakers are giving me different kinds of roles,” he said. “I’m satisfied in the sense that I’m getting to work in different genres of films, different filmmakers, different stories, different characters, like I said. But having said that, I feel it’s just the beginning. I am very, very hungry for good work. I want to collaborate with different kind of filmmakers, different kind of storytelling. I don’t want to just be seen as a typical kind of an actor. I want to be that kind of actor when, if my name Divyenndu is attached to a project, people should know, filmmakers should know there has to be something special in it. So that’s what my definition of satisfied is that every time I …