(WXYZ) — Do you receive a lot of calls from unknown numbers? Robocalls especially? I feel your pain, because I was recently targeted, and yeah, it was a scam.
So, I asked folks on social media about this problem and spoke with an expert from the Federal Trade Commission to help you spot the red flags.
Earlier this month, my phone started blowing up with robocalls leaving this automated message: “…for $200 is pending. We think it is an unusual activity. If it is not you, press one. If you want to continue with this transaction, ignore this call.”
The 866 number left not just one or two voicemails, but nine different ones in just a few minutes, all identical, hoping I would press one thinking there would be a fraudulent charge.
I posted about this on our Facebook page and we got more than 100 comments.
Kathy Johnson wrote, …