Experiential Content Marketing

Dorra Group’s Creative Campaign Breaks Real Estate Salesmen Stereotypes [Video]

Unexpected and surprising campaigns are very nice to watch, and they can have a funny twist. When campaigns try to break the stereotypes in our lives, for example, The Dorra Group’s campaign shows how Tamer Hagras, the famous actor, is always trying to reach out to the salesman, not the opposite. Campaigns that have a new direction and break the stereotypes can resonate with the audience and can leave a mark; that’s why it is a funny and smart move to engage with the target audience and connect on a subliminal level. Sometimes, campaigns that have a new direction can be well-received by the audience and can have positive feedback from the market.

Flipping the Script on Real Estate Calls

The whole concept of the campaign is smart, funny, and unexpected.

Are you always receiving calls from real estate sales?

Well, most of us receive calls from real estate sales agents, but they sometimes try to reach out to you too many times, and that is …

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