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Education focus expected as PM Christopher Luxon fronts post-Cabinet press conference [Video]

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced the Government will trial a new “intensive” mathematics programme during term one and two next year.

Luxon has been joined by Education Minister Erica Stanford at 4pm for his post-Cabinet press conference. A livestream can be found at the top of this article.

Around 2000 year 7 and 8 students will take part in the trial. It will include small group tutoring and supervised online tuition for 30 minutes – up to four times a week.

Education Minister Erica Stanford said the trial would involve students who were behind in their learning. She described the course as a “intensive support programme” that would help bring those students up to the required curriculum level in maths.

The trial would be held across both schools and kura, run for around 12 weeks and cost around $2 million, Stanford said.

“After discovering just 22% of Year 8 …

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