Varun Tej’s upcoming pan-Indian film Matka generates significant buzz, especially as it gears up to compete with Suriya’s highly anticipated period action drama Kanguva. The Hindi-dubbed version of Matka has been titled Matka Vasu. Varun Tej’s look in the film has sparked social media comparisons to Kamal Haasan’s iconic portrayal of Velu Naicker in Nayakan, heightening expectations for this ambitious project. This article covers everything you need to know about Matka.
Cast and Crew of Matka
Directed and written by Karuna Kumar, the film stars Varun Tej, Nora Fatehi, Ajay Ghosh, Naveen Chandra, and Kishore Kumar G. The music is composed by G.V. Prakash Kumar, with editing by Karthika Srinivas and cinematography by Kishore Kumar. The producers include Mohan Cherukuri, Rajani Talluri, and Vijender Reddy Teegala. The film is produced under SRT Entertainments, Vyra Entertainments, and Wide Angle Media banners.