In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, veteran film critic Taran Adarsh spoke candidly about the Hindi film industry, singling out Ranbir Kapoor for his extraordinary range and performances. With admiration, Adarsh highlighted Kapoor’s ability to deliver standout performances, particularly in the 2023 film Animal, and shared his thoughts on the actor’s upcoming projects, including Ramayana and his collaboration with Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
EXCLUSIVE: “Ranbir Kapoor is miles ahead of his contemporaries Ranveer Singh and Kartik Aaryan,” says Taran Adarsh; praises his performance in Animal
Taran Adarsh Singles Out Ranbir Kapoor for His RangeAdarsh expressed that when it comes to versatility and performance, there is no one quite like Ranbir Kapoor. “Every time I talk about Ranbir Kapoor, he is something else. If there is one actor I have to single out from the Hindi film industry, apart from Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan and the mass power they have, it’s Ranbir Kapoor,” Adarsh …