Federico Babina’s latest series, ARCHITELLER, unfolds a mesmerizing narrative through a series of illustrations and animations set against the musical composition of Cesc Miralta. The artworks bring to life architectural enigmas that speak of sensitive environments, ‘non-places’, and both imagined and imaginary realities. The Italian illustrator envisages buildings as vessels of storytelling, capable of whispering tales into the ears of observers. ‘I would like to be able to listen to the stories of certain architectures,’ he notes. Liberating them with a new voice, realizing a multifaceted architectural universe that tries to tell small stories, Babina muses that buildings are not only made of matter, but also of stories that pass through them daily, that leave traces and imbue their environments.
3D artist: Daniel Giordano | all images courtesy of Federico Babina
Through the twelve works, Federico Babina (more here) unveils a narrative of space, weaving together new textures and dimensions. ARCHITELLER’s structures …