Alia Bhatt’s film Jigra was released alongside Rajkummar Rao, Tripti Dimri starrer Vicky Aur Vidya Ka Woh Wala video and both the films have completed their first week in the theatres. Jigra is Alia Bhatt’s maiden production and is co-produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Production. The film is directed by Vasan Bala, the film released on October 11. Rajkummar Rao’s film is produced by T-series.
Jigra controversy
Jigra has been embroiled into controversy ever since it was released, T-Series’ head honcho Bhushan Kumar’s wife-actor Divya Khosla Kumar claimed that Alia’s Jigra is a copy of her film Savi. Divya also shared an image from empty theatre that she visited last week and claimed that Alia and Karan are faking box-office numbers.
Let’s take a look at where does the film stand in a week’s time
Jigra collection
Alia Bhatt starrer Jigra managed to cross the Rs 15 Crore mark in its opening weekend. The …