Beware of social media profiles with few photos and never send money or gifts without meeting someone first.
Those two seemingly simple tips could potentially save an unwitting man or woman looking for online companionship tens of thousands of dollars, a self-professed former romance scammer in Nigeria told Newsweek.
“People should look out for these guys that have few pictures and they are so cute on social media, especially military ones,” said Chris Maxwell, of Lagos. “Don’t trust someone who doesn’t show their face on a video call or they’re not willing to meet you in person.”
The 26-year-old reformed fraudster who said he bilked dozens of women out of $70,000 from 2016 to 2021 now works as a consultant for Social Catfish, a California-based online dating investigation service that helps people verify questionable images and profiles. Maxwell wants to educate as many users as possible, especially women, to raise awareness of …