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Grassley Opposes Legislation that Unfairly Cuts Seniors Benefits, Proposes Legislative Fix to Boost Solvency and Level the Playing Field [Video]

I’m here to visit with my colleagues about the Social Security bill that’s before the Senate. 

But before I do that, I’d like to give my point of view from past shutdowns of the federal government about why the shutdown of the government is a bad idea. 

Usually, people approach shutting the government down because they’ve got some big scheme they want to accomplish. 

They’ll try to accomplish it during the negotiations to open the government or accomplish it from the threat of shutting down the government. 

What I have found, in past instances when that’s been tried, you shut the government down, you open the government up, and that member, or members, have not accomplished the goal they wanted to accomplish. 

It costs money to shut the government down. 

It costs money during this week to get ready to shut the government down. 

Then after a period of time, after a day, or at the most 35 …

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