The year began with shocking reports of Indian cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife, choreographer and actor Dhanashree Verma, seemingly heading for divorce. The separation rumours spread like wildfire on social media, with netizens slamming Dhanashree and digging out old videos and pictures of the couple.
Dhanashree Verma reacts to divorce rumours with Yuzvendra Chahal
The speculation began when eagle-eyed netizens noticed Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree had unfollowed each other on Instagram. Additionally, Chahal had either archived or deleted pictures of Dhanashree from his Instagram handle.
On Wednesday night, Dhanashree Verma addressed the divorce rumours with her husband, Yuzvendra Chahal. She took to social media, calling the rumours “baseless” and “devoid of fact.”
Her statement read: “The past few days have been incredibly tough for my family and me. What’s truly upsetting is the baseless writing, devoid of fact-checking, and the character assassination of my reputation by faceless trolls spreading hate. I’ve worked hard for years to build my …