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Heres how Specsavers won over Gen Z by sponsoring the nations worst football team [Video]

Experiential Content Marketing

Winning The Drum Awards for Content in the Video and Film category was Tangerine Communications and Specsavers for a campaign that shifted the brand’s ‘ultimate dad gag’ perception among Gen Z. Here is the award-winning case study.

Specsavers came to us with a problem. “Young people are ambivalent towards us. We need to change that.”

One: Drive positive appraisal of the already-famous brand Specsavers with new Gen Z audiences

Two: Drive awareness of Specsavers all year round. Unlike other brands that have daily relevance e.g Heinz, Gymshark… people only get their eyes tested once every two years. How do we stay front of mind all year round?

Three: Amplify and engage (do not alienate) your secondary (core) audience of 35+ as part of the campaign.


Specsavers is a well-known brand, synonymous with the strapline, ‘Should’ve gone to Specsavers’, (SGTS) now part of the vernacular amongst our core audience. Its success …

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