From the highs of Wall Street trading to the lows of federal prison, Jordan Belfort has had one of the most prolific careers in recent history. The real Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan is the man behind both the book and the film of the same name, having risen to fame following his downfall on the trading floor. Reinventing himself as a motivational speaker and the number one sales trainer in the world, Jordan has taken his lessons learned from failure, and success to develop the sales entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Through captivating and invigorating talks, Jordan empowers corporate clients to harness their potential and reap the financial rewards. Gaining notoriety for his Wall Street exploits, Jordan founded Stratton Oakmont in the 1990s, a brokerage house, following his failure and bankruptcy as a food salesman.
Growing the businesses to over 1000 employees, Jordan is credited with its fast-tracked success and earning himself over $50 million a year, a …