Experiential Content Marketing

Hire Josh White | Co-Founder Of CanO Water [Video]

Having experienced the damage that single-use plastics can have on the environment first hand whilst travelling in Thailand with his friends, Josh took it on as his mission to take one step closer to making the food and drink industry more sustainable. Whilst still under the age of 25, he managed to capture the attention of huge brands including Selfridges, Tesco and Amazon with an innovative way of making bottled water more environmentally friendly.

The marketer behind the fastest-growing small organisation in the UK, Josh began his career with his own business in events, marketing and sales. Showing undeniable ability within the business world from a young age, he managed to direct and manage the London-based High Frequency Events for a total of four years before venturing into CanO Water.

As the marketing director of CanO Water, White has managed to capture the attention and parter up with London Fashion Week. With the product spreading across multiple social media platforms during the fashion event, he also …

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