Where can Walt Disney, Orville Wright and Cleopatra be seen together? Only in a wax museum. Where can you hear them tell their life stories? The Queen of Heaven School’s Living Wax Museum.
The museum is an annual part of the West Seneca school’s curriculum. It’s a multidisciplinary English/Language Arts project that involves research, public speaking, web design and just a touch of acting.
The sixth grade students each pick a historical figure as their subject. Then research and write a seven-page report. They also made a trifold billboard, design a website, and prepare a short speech. A costume and props complete the wax figure concept.
“Everybody loves it. The younger kids can’t wait to do it. It’s a super-exciting thing,” said Cheryl Griffin, ELA teacher for fifth and sixth grade. “At Parent Night, at the beginning of the year, they ask, ‘When’s the wax museum? I want to have …