Harry Heal, best known as the “Heal Chef” on TikTok, recently appeared on The Lovin Dubai Show to share his journey to social media stardom. With over 3.8 million followers and 77 million likes, Harry’s approachable and engaging cooking videos have captivated a global audience. He revealed that the name “Heal Chef” was a spontaneous choice, initially intended as a placeholder. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Harry turned to TikTok as a creative outlet after feeling unfulfilled in his tech business role. A simple chicken-cooking video unexpectedly went viral, sparking his rise as a beloved online chef.
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In 2020, Harry relocated to Dubai, seeking a fresh start and drawn by his partner’s family ties in the UAE. He quickly embraced the city’s vibrant food scene, balancing his growing TikTok career while settling into his new home. Despite his success, Harry shared that building the perfect kitchen setup for his videos remains a work in progress. …