Experiential Content Marketing

How to turn a 300-year-old museum into a playground for the TikTok generation [Video]

Here’s a surprising fact: in the early 1700s, Vienna’s Belvedere Palace wasn’t just a baroque architectural gem – it was also home to a private zoo of exotic animals owned by its flamboyant founder, Prince Eugene of Savoy. Fast-forward 300 years and Belvedere Museum is using those same animals to capture the attention of the TikTok generation through innovative augmented reality (AR) experiences.

On a panel at Web Summit recently, I spoke with Constanze Mitterhuemer, head of innovation at Belvedere Museum, and Paul van Raak, creative director at the Dutch agency The Brand Father, about how they’re using digital tools to make history come alive for younger audiences. Their collaboration has turned a historic institution into a digital playground while offering valuable lessons for marketers everywhere.

A 2020 UK study revealed that only 12% of individuals under 24 felt museums had anything relevant to offer. This disconnect was at the …

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