Strategic PR Campaigns

Hunched App Expands to Android, Launches Updated iOS Version to Combat Text Neck Epidemic | PR Newswire [Video]

The App Expands its Commitment to Fight Text Neck with its Latest Innovation

, /PRNewswire/ — In today’s digital age, posture-related issues like “Text Neck” and “Forward Head Posture” have become increasingly prevalent, affecting individuals of all ages. In response, Hunched, a leading posture improvement non-wearable app, is proud to announce its official launch on Android, alongside an updated iOS version.

Dr. Dean Fishman, a pioneer in the chiropractic field, is best known for discovering the widespread issue of “Text Neck” and coining the term. As a chiropractor with over 20 years of experience, Dr. Fishman has become a leading advocate for educating the public on the dangers of poor posture from digital device usage. He developed Hunched to combat the growing epidemic of posture-related issues caused by prolonged device use, empowering users to take control of their spinal health. Hunched serves as a personal posture coach built right into your device …

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