, /PRNewswire/ — Further to the Elk-Kootenai/y Watershed Reference submitted to the International Joint Commission (IJC) in March 2024, the IJC is pleased to note the official Terms of Reference and the appointment of members by governments to the Governance Body of the Elk-Kootenai/y Watershed Water Pollution Study.
The 18-member Governance Body serves as the governments’ collaborative forum to ensure more timely action to reduce and mitigate the impacts of water pollution in the watershed in order to protect the people and species that depend on the river system.
“This is an important step for all those working to address the impacts of transboundary water pollution in the Elk-Kootenai/y watershed,” said IJC Canadian Co-chair Pierre Baril. “Efforts from across the watershed during the past decade, including by governments, have led to this important milestone.”
The Governance Body is one of two entities struck to undertake the work of the Reference provided to …