SALT LAKE CITY — In today’s world, we often hear the narrative that college isn’t worth it anymore.
A recent poll shows that only 36% of adult Americans believe higher education is important.
Here in Utah, enrollment in college is up — the state is currently educating 207,000 college students.
Where is the disconnect?
This is the question KSL Newsradio’s Amanda Dickson asked on A Woman’s View. She brought on elementary and middle school teacher and chairperson of the Colonial Heritage Festival Kimberly Gardner. She also invited popular speaker, host, author and mental health advocate Ganel-Lyn Condie and Kelli Pierce, digital media associate with the R Street Institute.
A younger generation’s shift
Gardner has been teaching elementary and middle school for 33 years. She says as much as she’s talked to kids about college in the past, right now she’s just trying to get kids through high school.
“We’ve got kids coming to us — they don’t want to …