Experiential Content Marketing

Is creating an in-house LLM right for your organization? [Video]

Business leaders have been under pressure to find the best way to incorporate generative AI into their strategies to yield the best results for their organization and stakeholders. According to Gartner, 38% of business leaders noted that customer experience and retention are the primary purpose of their genAI investments, making it essential to the future of their businesses. However, as enticing as it may seem, it is important to consider whether LLMs (large language models) are right for your business before developing your AI strategy.

While generally available and easy to access immediately, there are challenges in using off-the-shelf LLMs effectively . These include a too generalized customer experience lacking industry context, an increased cost of outsourcing embedding models, and privacy concerns due to sharing data externally. Training an in-house AI modelcan directly address these concerns, while also inspiring creativity and innovation within the team to utilize the model for other …

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