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Making Dreams Is No Picnic in Dream Productions Trailer [Video]

Pixar just released the first trailer for Dream Productions, the Inside Out spinoff series. In it, we meet the characters who make young Riley’s dreams come alive at night. (Note, this takes place between Inside Out and Inside Out 2, so Riley is in her early tweens.) We also get a glimpse of the mockumentary style of the four-episode series, which includes a moving camera lens that sometimes struggles to stay in focus.

Based on this trailer, the show looks cute! Here’s the full official synopsis to give you more details on what the story entails:

Riley is growing up and when her memories need some extra processing, Joy and the rest of the Core Emotions send them to Dream Productions. Acclaimed director Paula Persimmon (voice of Paula Pell) faces a nightmare of her own: Trying to create the next hit dream after being paired up with Xeni (voice of Richard Ayoade), a smug daydream director looking to step …

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