Marco On OTT: The Malayalam film Marco, starring the talented Unni Mukundan, made its theatrical debut on December 20, boldly venturing into a crowded box office landscape dominated by big-ticket releases like Viduthalai Part 2 and UI. Defying initial expectations, Marco has managed to hold its own, performing admirably in theaters and garnering a positive response from audiences.
Building on this momentum, the film’s team has secured a significant coup, with reports emerging that a prominent streaming platform has successfully acquired the digital rights to Marco. This development has sparked speculation that the movie may premiere on OTT sooner than anticipated.
Marco OTT Platform
Malayalam film Marco, starring Unni Mukundan, will soon be making its way to the popular streaming platform Netflix. As part of its digital release, Marco will be made available in multiple languages, including Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Hindi, thereby catering to a diverse audience across India. According to reports, the movie …