The Mike O’Hearn Show has had various guests from the fitness world appear to share their knowledge, such as Dr. Gabrielle Lyons and Titan Medical CEO John Tsikouris. The show’s namesake occasionally features his appearances on other podcasts and shows. One such episode featured “Titan” in an interview with WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on the Stone Cold Steve Austin Podcast:
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To kick off their episode, the duo answered a question about staying motivated. O’Hearn referenced his past success and felt that staying the course enabled him to thrive. Believing in the continued success of what has been working is self-fueling.
Austin advised “everything in moderation,” emphasizing that tempering initial enthusiasm, like wanting to buy every supplement in the market and training every day, will not carry a beginner toward long-term success. Sometimes, simpler is easier.
“Start with the basics. Don’t …