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MLB Playoffs: Surprising Dodger Most Embodies ‘Don’t Give a F***’ Attitude [Video]

The Los Angeles Dodgers’ attitude was encapsulated perfectly, if a crassly, by utility player Kiké Hernandez after they eliminated the San Diego Padres in Game 5 of the National League Division Series.

In his postgame interview on the field with Fox Sports reporter Ken Rosenthal, Hernandez asked if they were on live television before dropping a profanity as a mischievous grin crossed his face:

The “don’t give a f***” quote quickly made the social media rounds and fired up the Dodgers’ fan base.

The next day, Hernández apologized in an interview with “Last night during my postgame interview, I was really fired up after an incredibly competitive series with the Padres. I said something in a way that I deeply regret. I used a word on live television that I should not have. I apologize if I offended anyone.”

More news: Dodgers’ Game 5 Hero Reveals Surprising Key to Success

Buried beneath the hype is a nugget of truth. …

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