In his latest post on X, the YouTube megastar said wants to leave frantic, energetic personas in his videos behind.
“This past year I’ve slowed down our videos, focused on storytelling, let scenes breathe, yelled less, more personality, longer videos, etc. And our views have skyrocketed!” YouTube’s biggest star said in a post on X on March 3.
He urged his fellow YouTubers to “get rid of the ultra fast-paced” and over-stimulating era of content. “It doesn’t even work,” he said.
It’s a wise move, according to experts, and one that could help him rapidly grow his roughly $700 million-a-year empire.
MrBeast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, has 242 million subscribers on YouTube, and his numbers are still growing rapidly.
In 2024 alone, he’s earned 17 million subscribers — significantly more than most creators will ever achieve in their careers.
In his videos, Donaldson shreds Lamborghinis, gives away massive amounts of cash, and performs ambitious, over-the-top stunts like recreating the Netflix …