Stunlock Studios, in collaboration with Konami Digital Entertainment (KONAMI), is excited to announce an expansion of the celebrated “V Rising – Legacy of Castlevania” DLC, bringing new, fan-favorite content to both Steam and PlayStation 5 players. This latest addition coincides with Steam’s upcoming Castlevania Fair, running from October 21-26, and the launch of an exclusive Game Bundle: Castlevania Dominus Collection + V Rising + Legacy of Castlevania DLC, offering a 10% discount. Fans of both the Castlevania franchise and V Rising can now delve even deeper into their favorite vampire universes.
As part of this celebration, the V Rising: Legacy of Castlevania DLC receives exciting new content inspired by iconic characters Shanoa and Soma Cruz, allowing players to channel their dark power in style with cosmetic sets and new castle customization options.
New Content for the Legacy of Castlevania DLC Includes:
- Shanoa Outfit: Step into the elegant, battle-ready attire of Shanoa, the powerful warrior from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. …