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New funding for Austin Red River Cultural District music venues [Video]

City leaders recently approved $150,000 each year for the next four years.

City leaders recently approved $150,000 each year for the next four years to support the Red River Cultural District’s two biggest festivals – Free Week in January and Hot Summer Nights in July, where musicians play at 12 independent venues along Red River Street.

“We use funding to pay musicians directly who play our stages during these events, and marketing expenses. The events also draw close to 15,000 people, so big opportunity for people to come in and spend money at the bar,” said Nicole Klepadlo, Red River Cultural District’s interim executive director.

Nickolas Yaklin is a drummer in Austin. He is also the bar manager at the 13th Floor music venue on Red River Street. 13th Floor is in the Red River Cultural District, home to longtime music venues like Empire Garage, Mohawk and Stubb’s.

“This district …

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