Nick Cannon, the host of The Masked Singer and father of 12, has revealed his diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). The announcement, which he made during his Counsel Culture podcast in November, is part of Cannon’s broader effort to embrace mental health awareness and therapy.
“I Need Help”- Nick Cannon
In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE, Cannon, 44, explained his journey toward understanding his diagnosis. “I still don’t understand it all the way, but I kind of always wanted to get tested for it,” he shared. Previously diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, Cannon noted that his neurodivergence has been a lifelong factor. “Just knowing that I’m a neurodivergent individual, I kind of always knew something was there,” he added.
The entertainer emphasized his proactive approach to his mental health. “To be able to embrace it and say, ‘Look, I’m healing. I need help. Show me,’ is empowering,” he said. Cannon also highlighted how he uses therapy …