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Oracle to Spring developers: Convert to Java EE [Video]

Content Management System

Spring Founder Rod Johnson says Spring and Java can co-exist

Credit: jazz3311 / Shutterstock

Oracle is promoting conversions from the popular Spring Framework for Java development to Java EE (Enterprise Edition). But the founder of Spring counters that these technologies can work together and cites a financial incentive for Oracle’s campaign.

Oracle has been promoting these migrations in a series of Web presentations going on for many months. A Java Spotlight posting this week pertaining to migrations to Java EE 6 links to an interview with Paul Bakker and Bert Ertman from Luminus Technologies in the Netherlands. They argue Spring no longer has advantages over enterprise Java that it might have had previously.

Some users have been holding onto beliefs about enterprise Java inadequacies from several years ago based on books from Spring Framework inventor Rod Johnson, said Bakker, senior software engineer at Luminis. “But nowadays, when we have Java EE 5 and Java EE 6, we [have] completely revised programming models, which …

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