In a tragic turn of events that has sparked outrage across social media, Peanut the Squirrel, a beloved internet sensation, was euthanised following a raid by New York authorities. Mark Longo, Peanut’s owner, described the raid as an episode of ‘terrorist treatment’.
Peanut’s rise to fame on social media started when Longo rescued him as a baby after his mother was hit by a car. Longo fed Peanut with a bottle and initially tried to release him back into the wild. However, Peanut returned and chose to stay with Longo, eventually gaining a global following for his adventures involving eating waffles and wearing costumes.
Peanut the Squirrel, who resided with New Yorker Mark Longo for seven years, delighted fans around the globe with his lovable behaviour, frequently showcased in videos and photos on his Instagram account, @peanut_the_squirrel12.
Peanut The Squirrel’s Euthanasia Sparks Controversy Amid US Election Season
Reports indicate that …