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Petersburg set to vote on failed Richmond casino chance [Video]

The casino project that was twice defeated by Richmond voters is now being taken up 24 miles south in Petersburg. On Tuesday, city voters have a chance to decide whether they want Virginia’s fifth and final casino.

A $1.4 billion resort and casino comes with the allure of permanent jobs, entertainment, tourism for the city and the added carrot of yearly tax revenue and the potential for revitalization around the site.

As they weigh the options, some Petersburg residents say they have concerns about potential crime, increased problem gambling and the city’s management of the tax influx, while acknowledging the possible benefit of a financial windfall.

Petersburg has selected The Cordish Companies, partnering with NFL Hall of Famer Bruce Smith, to develop a Live! Gaming & Entertainment District near the intersection of Interstate 95 and Wagner Road.

The phased project comes with the promise of $214 million in tax revenue to the city over 15 years from a 4 million-square-foot development, …

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